
What is the difference between social escort and prostitute?

An escort is a companion or entertainer for someone who hires his services. Escorts don’t always have to have sex with their clients. They can only provide friendship and comfort without involving any sexual activity. On the other side, prostitutes are women who offer sexual services. Roughly speaking is selling themselves to satisfy the desires of their clients.

Don’t get the wrong choice between escorts and prostitutes. Thai social escort is one of the most popular escorts today. Classy Thai girls with their unique appearance will please you as a client. Don’t be fooled and hire a prostitute instead of a beautiful Thai social escort girl. So here is the difference between social escort and prostitute?


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1. Service

Escorts provide time for payment, while prostitutes are getting money for sex services. Prostitute has no other services to offer besides sex. Clients can enjoy sexual services according to the amount of money they are paying. Escorts also accept cash as payment, but they also take other forms of payment. The services offered are not in the term of sexual services but accompany an entertainment or dinner event.



2. Personally

Escorts tend to work towards the target. Usually, the purpose of their work is to obtain rewards for services provided to clients and ensure clients are satisfied with their services. Escorts work with clients, even if the client is hiring them only as chat buddies. Sexual relations can occur between escorts and clients, but based on mutual agreement. The escorts work professionally for the sake of their reputation. If the client is satisfied with their service, then the news can spread, and more work will come. The opposite, the purpose of a prostitute is to get as much money as possible.


Prostitutes usually have a reckless lifestyle. Some may have alcohol or drug addiction, and some may even have an infectious disease. There are no other activities besides exchanging money for sex. Most prostitutes do not pay attention to health procedures, and they accept anyone as long as there is money. Escorts are mostly educated women with top-class appearance, so they are more careful in their attitude.



3. From the legal side

The difference in work systems between these two types of professions influences the legality of their work. An escort usually does not directly offer their services. Most of the clients are upper class, so they do all transactions in secret. Meanwhile, prostitutes offer their services in the streets, night clubs, or bars. They openly show their profession in public. By law, both the person providing and hiring prostitutes is a crime. Contrast with the escorts who promote their services as a companion and do not include sexual relations.

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